Development of this documentary was a labor of love. It was initially developed as a way of preserving one family’s story as a legacy for children and grandchildren. As we worked on the film we realized that Lydia’s story of how she escape the fate of the more than 2,200,000 Belorusians who lost their lives due to Nazi invasion and WWII needed to be shared with a wider audience. Through Lydia’s recollections our film gives voice to a nation of people whose experiences have been largely eclipsed by other Diaspora stories and stories of genocide. Although the film will likely be of interest to historians and those who marvel in stories of human perseverance, we imagine the film will hold special appeal to the many mid-century Eastern European immigrant families whose ancestors shared with Lydia a similar life trajectory.
You write that “…more than 2,200,000 Belorusians who lost their lives due to Nazi invasion and WWII needed to be shared with a wider audience.” However, this number is attributible to
both the Nazi’s and Soviets, who both invaded Poland in1939. Soviet Russia occupied Eastern Poland (Belarus and Ukraine) until he was driven out by the Nazs in June of 1941. During the Soviet occupation, the Soviets committed a major genocide against both the Belarusan and Polish inhabitants of Bearus. This must not be forgotten.
Thank you for the comment!
We will make the changes to reflect the double — Nazi and Soviet — persecution faced by the people of Belarus and other groups similarly affected, including Poles and Ukrainians.